Unknown Vulnerabilities Are Costly.

Cyber attacks are increasing in frequency and sadly no industry or company is completely safe.  
Cyber attacks are successful because current defensive strategies are not well suited to mitigating prolonged attacks by cyber-attackers who are highly organised and well-funded.
Only by understanding how an adversary will go about attacking you, can you generate a robust set of strategies and tactics for cybersecurity protection, detection, response and recovery.
Cyber 7’s cybersecurity assessment is designed to identify gaps in your security capability and recommend practical steps to protect systems and data, as well as to respond and recover from a cyberattack incident.
Our cybersecurity assessments are performed by highly qualified and experienced security specialists using international best practice methodologies.  The good news is they don’t cost a fortune and can be performed at a fixed cost.
Cyber 7’s Security Testing Methodology has been developed from decades of penetration testing which has generated thousands of positive reports for clients across a variety of industries.  

Let Our Assessments Help You...

  • Our Proven Methodology

    • Cyber 7's methodology incorporates a full set of global cybersecurity best practices including:
    • US NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity
    • Australian Signals Directorate Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusion
    • SANS Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defence
    • US NIST SP800-series Special Publications

Our Assessments Address Risks Across The 5-Fold Management Lifecycle Of Cybersecurity

  • Phase 1.


    Identifying information assets and supporting functions to manage cybersecurity risk to data, systems, and service capabilities.

  • Phase 2.


    Protecting information and systems through appropriate safeguards to ensure delivery of critical infrastructure services.

  • Phase 3.


    Detecting the occurrence of a cybersecurity event.

  • Phase 4.


    Responding decisively to a detected cybersecurity event.

  • Phase 5.


    Recovering quickly to maintain resilience and restore the services impaired by a cybersecurity event.

Ask About Our Fixed Price Assessments.
Let us give you peace of mind by assessing the gaps and providing cost effective solutions to your cybersecurity needs. Call us on PH: 1300 958 434